哥城華人基督教會 Columbus Chinese Christian Church

Address: 4141 Maize Rd., Columbus, OH 43224

Phone: (614) 263-9287

Fax: (614) 263-9298

Pastors: 余振源牧師 Rev. Stephen Oo

Phone: (614) 457-3475

E-mail: stephenoo@netzero.net

Web Address: www.columbusccc.org



1. 遵照聖經的亮光﹐實行主所喜悅的事。

2. 聯絡信仰相同的重生信徒﹐同心合意敬拜 神、事奉 神。

3. 對內﹕彼此相愛、互相扶持﹐注重信徒各人靈命長進。

4. 對外﹕廣傳福音、多結果子﹐完成主的大使命。

Our Mission

1. To do the work that pleases God in obedience to the teaching of the Bible.

2. To unite with born-again believers of the same faith to worship and serve God.

3. Internally: to love one another, support one another and promote the spiritual growth of each individual believer.

4. Externally: to preach the Gospel, bearing fruits and fulfilling our Lord's Great Commission.