Welcome to Midwest Chinese Christians Association
中西部華人基督徒聯會以倡導中西部四州 (密西根州,俄亥俄州,印地安那州,及肯塔基州)各教會和查經班之間的互相關懷,聯繫與同工,並且支持宣道及宣教事工為其主要宗旨。 聯會會員教會由中西部四州 (密西根州, 俄亥俄州, 印地安那州,及肯塔基州) 之教會和查經班所組成。會員及會員(教會)代表之資格明定於細部之章程以及規定。聯會會定期舉辦營會
The main purposes of the Midwest Chinese Christians Association are to promote the mutual caring, contacts, and holding of joint works for the churches and Bible studies in four Midwest states (MI, OH, IN, and KY), and to support evangelism and missionary work. Association member churches are made up of churches and Bible studies in four Midwest states (MI, OH, IN, KY). Qualifications for membership and member (church) representatives are drawn up in the detailed rules and regulations. Association conferences should be held at regular intervals.
2024年中西部夏令会5月12日开始网上报名注册。请动员贵教会的弟兄姊妹尽快报名,共襄盛举。提前报名注册(6/16止) 敬請中西部以及全美及世界各地的華人弟兄姐妹們盡快報名! 如需更多講員及節目詳情或報名, 請至夏令會網站!!