冬令營會 Winter Conference

正在尋覓你(妳)的真愛嗎? 追求改善與你(妳)配偶的關係嗎? 找尋照顧和管教孩子的最好方法嗎? 想過怎樣在這扭曲瘋狂的世界裏緊抓住真正有永恆價值的事物嗎? 什麼才是我們人生真正的意義呢?

在新年週末假期舉辦的冬令會將提供你一個探索這些問題答案的絕佳機會 – 你會了解自己人生的目標何在,得到你一生中最奇異美好的禮物 – 使你成為一個全新的人和擁有全新的生命。 在你認識創造的主後,你將會驚奇於祂的偉大,以及那從他而來滿滿傾洩於你的憐憫,恩典及愛。

「一輛新車、付清房屋貸款、完成學業?」 你的新年新希望是什麼呢? 誠摯的建議你 -- 「接受神的救恩」。 願這個冬令會成為你人生最大的祝福。

Looking for your true love? Seeking to improve the relationship with your spouse? Searching the best method of caring and teaching your children? Wondering how to stand firm with the true value in this wacky world? Wanting to know the true meaning of your life?

The Winter Retreat holds during the New Year weekend to grant you a great chance of new life and to be a new person. You will understand the great purpose of life. You will receive the most amazing gift of your life. You will be shower with mercy, grace and love. You will also be awed by knowing the great Creator. You will have the answer you have been searching for a very long time.

“A new car, to pay off the mortgage, or to finish school?” What is your New Year resolution? There is one sincere suggestion for you -- “ to receive God’s salvation”. Let the Winter Retreat become the great blessing of your life.